Ranked Choice Voting ballots are easy to fill out.
RCVis makes the results easy to understand, too.
Charts, graphs, and tables to help your audience understand the results of a Ranked Choice Voting election. Export to Wikipedia, embed with HTML, or share to social media.
What is Ranked Choice Voting?
RCV elections are just like a standard "first-past-the-post" election, except you can have backup choices. If your top pick gets the fewest votes, they are eliminated and your vote is transferred to your next choice.
Learn more on our medium post: An Illustrated Guide to Ranked Choice Voting.
Types of Visualizations
Bar Charts
Sankey Diagrams
Single Table Summary
Real-World Data
2021 New York City Elections
Single Transferrable Vote (STV), a.k.a. Multi-Winner RCV
Newest Data
Most recent visualizations created by our users
- The Magician (Eraser Remix) RemiXD (11 candidates, 10 rounds)
- Top Hit (8 candidates, 5 rounds)
- Election Results for Test - second example (6 candidates, 3 rounds)
- Election Results for Test - first example (6 candidates, 2 rounds)
- 11 Candidate (11 candidates, 10 rounds)
- 11 Candidate (11 candidates, 10 rounds)
- Spin Cycle (NETCAVY Remix) RemiXD (9 candidates, 8 rounds)
- Test (3 candidates, 2 rounds)
- MAYOR (8 candidates, 6 rounds)
- Daydream RemiXD (6 candidates, 5 rounds)
More Resources
RankedChoices Online RCV Polls
RankedVote Online RCV Polls
Advocate for RCV
Implement RCV
Tabulate an RCV election
Future Development
RCVis is free, open-source, and nonpartisan. These are our top projects. If you'd like to help fund the development of RCVis, or volunteer your time as a developer, please get in touch: [email protected].
- Accessibility: RCVis is not screenreader-friendly, though we have an undocumented audio captions for each visualization. We'd like to make these audio captions widely available, as well as making all RCVis visualizations screenreader-friendly.
- ES&S Data: We'd like to be able to upload and visualize data from Election Systems & Software voting machines.
- Infrastructure Updates: We'd like to use enable autoscaling to better support the influx of users and uploads on election night, as well as other infrastructure updates for stability and speed.