Oakland Mayoral Election
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The results of a ranked-choice voting election. | Download Raw Summary Data
Round | Eliminated | Winners |
Round 1 | ||
Round 2 | Write-In | |
Round 3 | Arnold Fields | |
Round 4 | Larry Lionel Young Jr. | |
Round 5 | Greg Harland | |
Round 6 | Don Macleay | |
Round 7 | Terence Candell | |
Round 8 | Marcie Hodge | |
Round 9 | Joe Tuman | |
Round 10 | Rebecca Kaplan | Jean Quan |
Round 1
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
Jean Quan | 29,266 votes in the first round | 24.47% 29,266 votes |
Don Perata | 40,342 votes in the first round | 33.73% 40,342 votes |
Rebecca Kaplan | 25,813 votes in the first round | 21.58% 25,813 votes |
Joe Tuman | 14,347 votes in the first round | 12.0% 14,347 votes |
Marcie Hodge | 2,994 votes in the first round | 2.5% 2,994 votes |
Terence Candell | 2,315 votes in the first round | 1.94% 2,315 votes |
Don Macleay | 1,630 votes in the first round | 1.36% 1,630 votes |
Greg Harland | 966 votes in the first round | 0.81% 966 votes |
Larry Lionel Young Jr. | 933 votes in the first round | 0.78% 933 votes |
Arnold Fields | 733 votes in the first round | 0.61% 733 votes |
Write-In | 268 votes in the first round | 0.22% 268 votes |
Inactive Ballots | All ballots are active in the first round |
Round 2
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
Jean Quan | Gained 33 votes | 24.53% 29,299 votes |
Don Perata | Gained 32 votes | 33.8% 40,374 votes |
Rebecca Kaplan | Gained 18 votes | 21.62% 25,831 votes |
Joe Tuman | Gained 10 votes | 12.02% 14,357 votes |
Marcie Hodge | Gained 5 votes | 2.51% 2,999 votes |
Terence Candell | Gained 1 votes | 1.94% 2,316 votes |
Don Macleay | Gained 6 votes | 1.37% 1,636 votes |
Greg Harland | Gained 2 votes | 0.81% 968 votes |
Larry Lionel Young Jr. | Gained 6 votes | 0.79% 939 votes |
Arnold Fields | Gained 5 votes | 0.62% 738 votes |
Write-In | Eliminated: 268 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 0 ballots became inactive |
Round 3
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
Jean Quan | Gained 92 votes | 24.63% 29,391 votes |
Don Perata | Gained 81 votes | 33.9% 40,455 votes |
Rebecca Kaplan | Gained 59 votes | 21.69% 25,890 votes |
Joe Tuman | Gained 114 votes | 12.13% 14,471 votes |
Marcie Hodge | Gained 34 votes | 2.54% 3,033 votes |
Terence Candell | Gained 70 votes | 2.0% 2,386 votes |
Don Macleay | Gained 41 votes | 1.41% 1,677 votes |
Greg Harland | Gained 91 votes | 0.89% 1,059 votes |
Larry Lionel Young Jr. | Gained 37 votes | 0.82% 976 votes |
Arnold Fields | Eliminated: 738 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 113 ballots became inactive |
Round 4
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
Jean Quan | Gained 123 votes | 24.77% 29,514 votes |
Don Perata | Gained 151 votes | 34.08% 40,606 votes |
Rebecca Kaplan | Gained 136 votes | 21.84% 26,026 votes |
Joe Tuman | Gained 81 votes | 12.21% 14,552 votes |
Marcie Hodge | Gained 122 votes | 2.65% 3,155 votes |
Terence Candell | Gained 111 votes | 2.1% 2,497 votes |
Don Macleay | Gained 42 votes | 1.44% 1,719 votes |
Greg Harland | Gained 28 votes | 0.91% 1,087 votes |
Larry Lionel Young Jr. | Eliminated: 976 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 173 ballots became inactive |
Round 5
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
Jean Quan | Gained 131 votes | 24.93% 29,645 votes |
Don Perata | Gained 122 votes | 34.24% 40,728 votes |
Rebecca Kaplan | Gained 91 votes | 21.96% 26,117 votes |
Joe Tuman | Gained 228 votes | 12.43% 14,780 votes |
Marcie Hodge | Gained 45 votes | 2.69% 3,200 votes |
Terence Candell | Gained 116 votes | 2.2% 2,613 votes |
Don Macleay | Gained 133 votes | 1.56% 1,852 votes |
Greg Harland | Eliminated: 1,087 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 216 ballots became inactive |
Round 6
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
Jean Quan | Gained 855 votes | 25.7% 30,500 votes |
Don Perata | Gained 86 votes | 34.39% 40,814 votes |
Rebecca Kaplan | Gained 379 votes | 22.32% 26,496 votes |
Joe Tuman | Gained 169 votes | 12.6% 14,949 votes |
Marcie Hodge | Gained 50 votes | 2.74% 3,250 votes |
Terence Candell | Gained 67 votes | 2.26% 2,680 votes |
Don Macleay | Eliminated: 1,852 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 242 ballots became inactive |
Round 7
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
Jean Quan | Gained 384 votes | 26.19% 30,884 votes |
Don Perata | Gained 550 votes | 35.08% 41,364 votes |
Rebecca Kaplan | Gained 335 votes | 22.76% 26,831 votes |
Joe Tuman | Gained 253 votes | 12.89% 15,202 votes |
Marcie Hodge | Gained 375 votes | 3.07% 3,625 votes |
Terence Candell | Eliminated: 2,680 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 762 ballots became inactive |
Round 8
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
Jean Quan | Gained 771 votes | 27.11% 31,655 votes |
Don Perata | Gained 824 votes | 36.13% 42,188 votes |
Rebecca Kaplan | Gained 644 votes | 23.53% 27,475 votes |
Joe Tuman | Gained 260 votes | 13.24% 15,462 votes |
Marcie Hodge | Eliminated: 3,625 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 1,111 ballots became inactive |
Round 9
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
Jean Quan | Gained 3,378 votes | 30.94% 35,033 votes |
Don Perata | Gained 3,277 votes | 40.16% 45,465 votes |
Rebecca Kaplan | Gained 5,244 votes | 28.9% 32,719 votes |
Joe Tuman | Eliminated: 15,462 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 3,518 ballots became inactive |
Round 10
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
Jean Quan | Elected: Gained 18,864 votes | 50.96% 53,897 votes |
Don Perata | Gained 6,407 votes | 49.04% 51,872 votes |
Rebecca Kaplan | Eliminated: 32,719 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 7,383 ballots became inactive |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 29266.0 first-round votes. | 24.47% 29,266 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 33 votes from Write-In. | 24.53% 29,299 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 92 votes from Arnold Fields. | 24.63% 29,391 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 123 votes from Larry Lionel Young Jr.. | 24.77% 29,514 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 131 votes from Greg Harland. | 24.93% 29,645 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 855 votes from Don Macleay. | 25.7% 30,500 votes |
Round 7 | Gained 384 votes from Terence Candell. | 26.19% 30,884 votes |
Round 8 | Gained 771 votes from Marcie Hodge. | 27.11% 31,655 votes |
Round 9 | Gained 3,378 votes from Joe Tuman. | 30.94% 35,033 votes |
Round 10 | Elected. Gained 18,864 votes from Rebecca Kaplan. | 50.96% 53,897 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 40342.0 first-round votes. | 33.73% 40,342 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 32 votes from Write-In. | 33.8% 40,374 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 81 votes from Arnold Fields. | 33.9% 40,455 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 151 votes from Larry Lionel Young Jr.. | 34.08% 40,606 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 122 votes from Greg Harland. | 34.24% 40,728 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 86 votes from Don Macleay. | 34.39% 40,814 votes |
Round 7 | Gained 550 votes from Terence Candell. | 35.08% 41,364 votes |
Round 8 | Gained 824 votes from Marcie Hodge. | 36.13% 42,188 votes |
Round 9 | Gained 3,277 votes from Joe Tuman. | 40.16% 45,465 votes |
Round 10 | Gained 6,407 votes from Rebecca Kaplan. | 49.04% 51,872 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 25813.0 first-round votes. | 21.58% 25,813 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 18 votes from Write-In. | 21.62% 25,831 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 59 votes from Arnold Fields. | 21.69% 25,890 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 136 votes from Larry Lionel Young Jr.. | 21.84% 26,026 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 91 votes from Greg Harland. | 21.96% 26,117 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 379 votes from Don Macleay. | 22.32% 26,496 votes |
Round 7 | Gained 335 votes from Terence Candell. | 22.76% 26,831 votes |
Round 8 | Gained 644 votes from Marcie Hodge. | 23.53% 27,475 votes |
Round 9 | Gained 5,244 votes from Joe Tuman. Eliminated. | 28.9% 32,719 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 14347.0 first-round votes. | 12.0% 14,347 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 10 votes from Write-In. | 12.02% 14,357 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 114 votes from Arnold Fields. | 12.13% 14,471 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 81 votes from Larry Lionel Young Jr.. | 12.21% 14,552 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 228 votes from Greg Harland. | 12.43% 14,780 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 169 votes from Don Macleay. | 12.6% 14,949 votes |
Round 7 | Gained 253 votes from Terence Candell. | 12.89% 15,202 votes |
Round 8 | Gained 260 votes from Marcie Hodge. Eliminated. | 13.24% 15,462 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 2994.0 first-round votes. | 2.5% 2,994 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 5 votes from Write-In. | 2.51% 2,999 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 34 votes from Arnold Fields. | 2.54% 3,033 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 122 votes from Larry Lionel Young Jr.. | 2.65% 3,155 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 45 votes from Greg Harland. | 2.69% 3,200 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 50 votes from Don Macleay. | 2.74% 3,250 votes |
Round 7 | Gained 375 votes from Terence Candell. Eliminated. | 3.07% 3,625 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 2315.0 first-round votes. | 1.94% 2,315 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 1 votes from Write-In. | 1.94% 2,316 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 70 votes from Arnold Fields. | 2.0% 2,386 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 111 votes from Larry Lionel Young Jr.. | 2.1% 2,497 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 116 votes from Greg Harland. | 2.2% 2,613 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 67 votes from Don Macleay. Eliminated. | 2.26% 2,680 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 1630.0 first-round votes. | 1.36% 1,630 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 6 votes from Write-In. | 1.37% 1,636 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 41 votes from Arnold Fields. | 1.41% 1,677 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 42 votes from Larry Lionel Young Jr.. | 1.44% 1,719 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 133 votes from Greg Harland. Eliminated. | 1.56% 1,852 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 966.0 first-round votes. | 0.81% 966 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 2 votes from Write-In. | 0.81% 968 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 91 votes from Arnold Fields. | 0.89% 1,059 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 28 votes from Larry Lionel Young Jr.. Eliminated. | 0.91% 1,087 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 933.0 first-round votes. | 0.78% 933 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 6 votes from Write-In. | 0.79% 939 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 37 votes from Arnold Fields. Eliminated. | 0.82% 976 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 733.0 first-round votes. | 0.61% 733 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 5 votes from Write-In. Eliminated. | 0.62% 738 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 268.0 first-round votes. Eliminated. | 0.22% 268 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 0 first-round votes. | 0 ballots |
Round 2 | 0 ballots |
Round 3 | Gained 113 votes from Arnold Fields. | 113 ballots |
Round 4 | Gained 173 votes from Larry Lionel Young Jr.. | 286 ballots |
Round 5 | Gained 216 votes from Greg Harland. | 502 ballots |
Round 6 | Gained 242 votes from Don Macleay. | 744 ballots |
Round 7 | Gained 762 votes from Terence Candell. | 1,506 ballots |
Round 8 | Gained 1,111 votes from Marcie Hodge. | 2,617 ballots |
Round 9 | Gained 3,518 votes from Joe Tuman. | 6,135 ballots |
Round 10 | Gained 7,383 votes from Rebecca Kaplan. | 13,518 ballots |
Candidate name | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 | Round 6 | Round 7 | Round 8 | Round 9 | Round 10 |
Jean Quan |
24.47%29,266 votes |
24.53%29,299 votes |
24.63%29,391 votes |
24.77%29,514 votes |
24.93%29,645 votes |
25.7%30,500 votes |
26.19%30,884 votes |
27.11%31,655 votes |
30.94%35,033 votes |
50.96%53,897 votes |
Don Perata |
33.73%40,342 votes |
33.8%40,374 votes |
33.9%40,455 votes |
34.08%40,606 votes |
34.24%40,728 votes |
34.39%40,814 votes |
35.08%41,364 votes |
36.13%42,188 votes |
40.16%45,465 votes |
49.04%51,872 votes |
Rebecca Kaplan |
21.58%25,813 votes |
21.62%25,831 votes |
21.69%25,890 votes |
21.84%26,026 votes |
21.96%26,117 votes |
22.32%26,496 votes |
22.76%26,831 votes |
23.53%27,475 votes |
28.9%32,719 votes |
Joe Tuman |
12.0%14,347 votes |
12.02%14,357 votes |
12.13%14,471 votes |
12.21%14,552 votes |
12.43%14,780 votes |
12.6%14,949 votes |
12.89%15,202 votes |
13.24%15,462 votes |
Marcie Hodge |
2.5%2,994 votes |
2.51%2,999 votes |
2.54%3,033 votes |
2.65%3,155 votes |
2.69%3,200 votes |
2.74%3,250 votes |
3.07%3,625 votes |
Terence Candell |
1.94%2,315 votes |
1.94%2,316 votes |
2.0%2,386 votes |
2.1%2,497 votes |
2.2%2,613 votes |
2.26%2,680 votes |
Don Macleay |
1.36%1,630 votes |
1.37%1,636 votes |
1.41%1,677 votes |
1.44%1,719 votes |
1.56%1,852 votes |
Greg Harland |
0.81%966 votes |
0.81%968 votes |
0.89%1,059 votes |
0.91%1,087 votes |
Larry Lionel Young Jr. |
0.78%933 votes |
0.79%939 votes |
0.82%976 votes |
Arnold Fields |
0.61%733 votes |
0.62%738 votes |
Write-In |
0.22%268 votes |
Inactive Ballots |
0ballots |
0ballots |
113ballots |
286ballots |
502ballots |
744ballots |
1,506ballots |
2,617ballots |
6,135ballots |
13,518ballots |
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