Seat 3 - Heber City Council 2023 Unofficial Results
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
The results of a ranked-choice voting election. | Download Raw Summary Data
Round | Eliminated | Winners |
Round 1 | ||
Round 3 | DANNY HILL | |
Round 4 | CASEY POWERS | |
Round 5 | JAMI HEWLETT | |
Round 6 | PAUL ROYALL III | |
Round 7 | TORI E BROUGHTON | |
Round 1
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | 570 votes in the first round | 21.1% 570 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | 350 votes in the first round | 12.95% 350 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | 370 votes in the first round | 13.69% 370 votes |
TORI E BROUGHTON | 379 votes in the first round | 14.03% 379 votes |
PAUL ROYALL III | 352 votes in the first round | 13.03% 352 votes |
JAMI HEWLETT | 289 votes in the first round | 10.7% 289 votes |
CASEY POWERS | 173 votes in the first round | 6.4% 173 votes |
DANNY HILL | 115 votes in the first round | 4.26% 115 votes |
VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON | 104 votes in the first round | 3.85% 104 votes |
Inactive Ballots | All ballots are active in the first round |
Round 2
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | Gained 18 votes | 21.84% 588 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | Gained 18 votes | 13.67% 368 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | Gained 14 votes | 14.26% 384 votes |
TORI E BROUGHTON | Gained 9 votes | 14.41% 388 votes |
PAUL ROYALL III | Gained 14 votes | 13.6% 366 votes |
JAMI HEWLETT | Gained 13 votes | 11.22% 302 votes |
CASEY POWERS | Gained 5 votes | 6.61% 178 votes |
DANNY HILL | Gained 3 votes | 4.38% 118 votes |
VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON | Eliminated: 104 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 10 ballots became inactive |
Round 3
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | Gained 16 votes | 22.55% 604 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | Gained 20 votes | 14.48% 388 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | Gained 16 votes | 14.93% 400 votes |
TORI E BROUGHTON | Gained 16 votes | 15.08% 404 votes |
PAUL ROYALL III | Gained 13 votes | 14.15% 379 votes |
JAMI HEWLETT | Gained 11 votes | 11.68% 313 votes |
CASEY POWERS | Gained 13 votes | 7.13% 191 votes |
DANNY HILL | Eliminated: 118 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 13 ballots became inactive |
Round 4
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | Gained 44 votes | 24.33% 648 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | Gained 32 votes | 15.77% 420 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | Gained 31 votes | 16.18% 431 votes |
TORI E BROUGHTON | Gained 16 votes | 15.77% 420 votes |
PAUL ROYALL III | Gained 26 votes | 15.21% 405 votes |
JAMI HEWLETT | Gained 26 votes | 12.73% 339 votes |
CASEY POWERS | Eliminated: 191 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 16 ballots became inactive |
Round 5
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | Gained 31 votes | 26.11% 679 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | Gained 97 votes | 19.88% 517 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | Gained 78 votes | 19.57% 509 votes |
TORI E BROUGHTON | Gained 37 votes | 17.57% 457 votes |
PAUL ROYALL III | Gained 34 votes | 16.88% 439 votes |
JAMI HEWLETT | Eliminated: 339 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 62 ballots became inactive |
Round 6
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | Gained 151 votes | 33.19% 830 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | Gained 50 votes | 22.67% 567 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | Gained 93 votes | 24.07% 602 votes |
TORI E BROUGHTON | Gained 45 votes | 20.07% 502 votes |
PAUL ROYALL III | Eliminated: 439 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 100 ballots became inactive |
Round 7
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | Gained 235 votes | 44.06% 1,065 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | Gained 116 votes | 28.26% 683 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | Gained 67 votes | 27.68% 669 votes |
TORI E BROUGHTON | Eliminated: 502 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 84 ballots became inactive |
Round 8
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | Leading: Gained 201 votes | 56.22% 1,266 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | Gained 303 votes | 43.78% 986 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | Eliminated: 669 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 165 ballots became inactive |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 570.0 first-round votes. | 21.1% 570 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 18 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 21.84% 588 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 16 votes from DANNY HILL. | 22.55% 604 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 44 votes from CASEY POWERS. | 24.33% 648 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 31 votes from JAMI HEWLETT. | 26.11% 679 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 151 votes from PAUL ROYALL III. | 33.19% 830 votes |
Round 7 | Gained 235 votes from TORI E BROUGHTON. | 44.06% 1,065 votes |
Round 8 | Leading. Gained 201 votes from NICK LOPEZ. | 56.22% 1,266 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 350.0 first-round votes. | 12.95% 350 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 18 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 13.67% 368 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 20 votes from DANNY HILL. | 14.48% 388 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 32 votes from CASEY POWERS. | 15.77% 420 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 97 votes from JAMI HEWLETT. | 19.88% 517 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 50 votes from PAUL ROYALL III. | 22.67% 567 votes |
Round 7 | Gained 116 votes from TORI E BROUGHTON. | 28.26% 683 votes |
Round 8 | Gained 303 votes from NICK LOPEZ. | 43.78% 986 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 370.0 first-round votes. | 13.69% 370 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 14 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 14.26% 384 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 16 votes from DANNY HILL. | 14.93% 400 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 31 votes from CASEY POWERS. | 16.18% 431 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 78 votes from JAMI HEWLETT. | 19.57% 509 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 93 votes from PAUL ROYALL III. | 24.07% 602 votes |
Round 7 | Gained 67 votes from TORI E BROUGHTON. Eliminated. | 27.68% 669 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 379.0 first-round votes. | 14.03% 379 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 9 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 14.41% 388 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 16 votes from DANNY HILL. | 15.08% 404 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 16 votes from CASEY POWERS. | 15.77% 420 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 37 votes from JAMI HEWLETT. | 17.57% 457 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 45 votes from PAUL ROYALL III. Eliminated. | 20.07% 502 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 352.0 first-round votes. | 13.03% 352 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 14 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 13.6% 366 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 13 votes from DANNY HILL. | 14.15% 379 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 26 votes from CASEY POWERS. | 15.21% 405 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 34 votes from JAMI HEWLETT. Eliminated. | 16.88% 439 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 289.0 first-round votes. | 10.7% 289 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 13 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 11.22% 302 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 11 votes from DANNY HILL. | 11.68% 313 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 26 votes from CASEY POWERS. Eliminated. | 12.73% 339 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 173.0 first-round votes. | 6.4% 173 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 5 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 6.61% 178 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 13 votes from DANNY HILL. Eliminated. | 7.13% 191 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 115.0 first-round votes. | 4.26% 115 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 3 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. Eliminated. | 4.38% 118 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 104.0 first-round votes. Eliminated. | 3.85% 104 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 0 first-round votes. | 0 ballots |
Round 2 | Gained 10 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 10 ballots |
Round 3 | Gained 13 votes from DANNY HILL. | 23 ballots |
Round 4 | Gained 16 votes from CASEY POWERS. | 39 ballots |
Round 5 | Gained 62 votes from JAMI HEWLETT. | 101 ballots |
Round 6 | Gained 100 votes from PAUL ROYALL III. | 201 ballots |
Round 7 | Gained 84 votes from TORI E BROUGHTON. | 285 ballots |
Round 8 | Gained 165 votes from NICK LOPEZ. | 450 ballots |
Candidate name | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 | Round 6 | Round 7 | Round 8 |
21.1%570 votes |
21.84%588 votes |
22.55%604 votes |
24.33%648 votes |
26.11%679 votes |
33.19%830 votes |
44.06%1,065 votes |
56.22%1,266 votes |
12.95%350 votes |
13.67%368 votes |
14.48%388 votes |
15.77%420 votes |
19.88%517 votes |
22.67%567 votes |
28.26%683 votes |
43.78%986 votes |
13.69%370 votes |
14.26%384 votes |
14.93%400 votes |
16.18%431 votes |
19.57%509 votes |
24.07%602 votes |
27.68%669 votes |
14.03%379 votes |
14.41%388 votes |
15.08%404 votes |
15.77%420 votes |
17.57%457 votes |
20.07%502 votes |
13.03%352 votes |
13.6%366 votes |
14.15%379 votes |
15.21%405 votes |
16.88%439 votes |
10.7%289 votes |
11.22%302 votes |
11.68%313 votes |
12.73%339 votes |
6.4%173 votes |
6.61%178 votes |
7.13%191 votes |
4.26%115 votes |
4.38%118 votes |
3.85%104 votes |
Inactive Ballots |
0ballots |
10ballots |
23ballots |
39ballots |
101ballots |
201ballots |
285ballots |
450ballots |
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